VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow Quoted in Bloomberg Law Article “As Labor Day Nears, Security Teams Watch for Holiday-Timed Hacks”
Posted on Sep 14, 2021 in Privacy, News by Melissa Krasnow
VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow was quoted in the Bloomberg Law article titled “As Labor Day Nears, Security Teams Watch for Holiday-Timed Hacks.”
This article discusses Companies’ cybersecurity teams coming to recognize a routine: attacks timed to holidays, over the weekend, and at other points when hackers think targets are more vulnerable and more willing to pay a ransom.
The ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline Co. came in early May, just before Mother’s Day weekend. The cyber advisory from CISA and the FBI noted the coincidence in timing.
According to Ms. Krasnow: “Mother’s Day struck me.”
Ms. Krasnow said she regularly updates her contact list for law enforcement officials, so that her clients can easily reach out in the event of a cyberattack.
Aside from sharing contacts and coordinating time off, companies also run tabletop exercises to practice their response to a cyberattack. These exercises typically involve security and legal teams, as well as crisis management firms that can handle the reputational aspects of a major incident.
Krasnow said: “This should be part of incident response planning.”
Click here to read the entire article.