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VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow Quoted in Law360 Article “Breach Reporting Landscape Becoming Global Minefield”

Posted on Sep 4, 2018 in News by Melissa Krasnow

VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow was quoted in the Law360 article “Breach Reporting Landscape Becoming Global Minefield.”

The article reported that the past year has ushered in big changes to how companies around the world must report data breaches. Since the beginning of the year, companies’ breach reporting obligations have expanded from having to comply with a patchwork of laws in the U.S. to scrambling to ensure that their incident response plans include consumers and regulators in the European Union, Australia and Canada.

The article noted that, while these laws all have the same general purpose, their requirements for disseminating alerts vary greatly, leaving companies that operate globally with the task of figuring out how to navigate nuances in breach reporting triggers, timelines and methods.

“Companies have an awareness that they have to report in the EU and the U.S. and in Canada beginning Nov. 1, so the question we’ve been getting is couldn’t we put all those requirements into one plan and have one standard that says in these set of circumstances, we can report like this,” Ms. Krasnow told Law360. “But unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.”

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