VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow Quoted in the Wall Street Journal Pro Cybersecurity Research “Biden, Trump Document News Highlights Corporate Risks””
Posted on Jan 25, 2023 in Privacy, News by Melissa Krasnow
VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow was quoted in the Wall Street Journal Pro Cybersecurity Research “Biden, Trump Document News Highlights Corporate Risks.”
This research discusses whether private sector corporate executives are adequately protecting sensitive corporate documents outside the office especially in light of the expansion of work-from-home arrangements, as there are risks regarding the mishandling of corporate documents.
According to Ms. Krasnow: “….mishandling of [corporate] documents could be uncovered during a regulatory review, an enforcement action that may even be related to a different topic or by a whistleblower. “
Ms. Krasnow said: “There could be confidentiality obligations in a contract between a company and an executive which could apply during as well as after the termination of employment of the executive….[i]f an executive intentionally or negligently has possession of sensitive documents after joining a different company, their prior company could sue and as part of the lawsuit claim the executive breached their confidentiality obligations.”
This raises questions about how companies are ensuring employees who resign or are terminated are given the opportunity to return documents in the way that they return their laptop and other company-owned equipment.
Ms. Krasnow “….urged companies to check whether contracts and policies related to record and document retention and destruction have been updated in light of the increase in hybrid/remote work over the last three years [with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic].”
Click here to read the entire article.