VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow Quoted in Bloomberg Law Article “Soltani Brings Technical, Regulatory Expertise to Privacy Agency”
Posted on Oct 7, 2021 in Privacy, News by Melissa Krasnow
VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow was quoted in the Bloomberg Law article titled “Soltani Brings Technical, Regulatory Expertise to Privacy Agency”
This article discusses Ashkan Soltani, a former Federal Trade Commission chief technologist with deep knowledge of the technology industry, being named executive director of the California Privacy Protection Agency. Soltani is tasked with promulgating regulations under the California Privacy Rights Act and also needs to add employees to the still-nascent agency. The agency will have the ability to launch investigations and conduct enforcement actions against companies that fail to follow California’s consumer privacy laws.
According to Ms. Krasnow, “[l]arge social media and tech companies such as Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Facebook Inc. could….find themselves in the crosshairs of the California Privacy Protection Agency.” Soltani in testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation last month name-dropped those companies and detailed how he’d helped bring successful cases against them while at the FTC.
“He explicitly mentions Big Tech several times,” Krasnow said. “It makes you wonder whether those companies will also be an enforcement priority at the new agency.”
Click here to read the entire article.