VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow Quoted in Bloomberg Law Article “N.Y. Privacy Bill Carries Litigation, Enforcement Hike Potential”
Posted on Jan 12, 2021 in Privacy, News by Melissa Krasnow
VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow was quoted in the Bloomberg Law article titled “N.Y. Privacy Bill Carries Litigation, Enforcement Hike Potential.” The article discusses recently introduced New York Senate Bill 567, which addresses consumer privacy.
This New York bill would provide the New York Attorney General with the ability to adopt regulations and enforce for noncompliance.
According to Ms. Krasnow: “The legislation could have a big impact on the national privacy conversation given New York’s large population and status as a business hub, and it could also result in an uptick in actions taken against businesses….[t]he New York attorney general’s privacy enforcement is already strong [compared to other states]….[and something like] this would give [the New York Attorney General] more ammunition to enforce.”
Click here to read the entire article.