VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow Quoted in Law360 Article “States Stake Claim to Privacy Role With Uber Breach Pact”
Posted on Sep 28, 2018 in News by Melissa Krasnow
VLP Partner Melissa Krasnow was quoted in the Law360 article “States Stake Claim to Privacy Role With Uber Breach Pact.”
The article reported on a settlement in which attorneys general from all 50 states and the District of Columbia hit Uber with a record $148 million penalty for attempting to cover up a 2016 data security breach. The article noted that the settlement marks a progression for state attorneys general, who in recent years have shown a growing interest in consumer privacy issues and routinely launch coordinated actions in the wake of major data security incidents at businesses such as Target, Facebook and Equifax.
The article described the wide range of provisions included in the Uber settlement, including the requirements that Uber implement a robust data security program, undergo regular audits and institute a corporate integrity program to ensure that its employees can report any ethics concerns to the company.
On the use of corporate integrity programs, which are usually focused on preventing corruption and fraud, rather than data breaches, Ms. Krasnow told Law360 that it would be interesting to see whether the inclusion of the corporate integrity program requirement ends up being “the beginning of a trend in enforcement.”
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