VLP Partners Melissa Krasnow and David Goldenberg Featured in Minnesota Lawyer Article “Firm Has No Offices But a Big Platform”
Posted on Jan 5, 2017 in News by Melissa Krasnow, David Goldenberg
VLP Partners Melissa Krasnow and David Goldenberg were featured in the Minnesota Lawyer article “Firm Has No Offices But a Big Platform.” The article reported that some lawyers are starting to take a hard look at what they really need to practice law successfully, and that doesn’t always include an office surrounded by other lawyers. In addition to clients, lawyers need robust management and a way to provide quality service. Sometimes all of that’s in a laptop.
The article noted that this is the philosophy behind VLP Law Group LLP, a nationwide “virtual law practice” where attorneys work remotely from individual offices or homes across the country.
The article went on the spotlight Partner Melissa Krasnow. Ms. Krasnow joined VLP in October 2016 as a partner in the Privacy & Data Security, Technology Transactions and Mergers & Acquisitions practice groups. As the first Minnesota attorney to join VLP, she is based in Minneapolis, in her own home.
The article noted that, as a corporate attorney working in privacy and data security, Ms. Krasnow came to believe that VLP, with a connection to Silicon Valley and offices in the Bay area in California, offered the strongest platform for her and her clients. She decided that being in a technology-based firm afforded her the best opportunities. At VLP she works from home, she charges what she thinks is right, and she doesn’t give clients what they don’t need or want.
VLP Founding Partner David Goldenberg explained in the article that, as VLP got started, the lawyers looked at the tools they needed and found that the basics were the same as other law firms — management, quality, and the ability to practice comfortably without ethical or professional negligence concerns. From that, the lawyers built up as their clients needed.
“We are focused on quality because we are senior attorneys. We are not doing associate development and training. We are ‘hit the ground running’ lawyers,” Mr. Goldenberg told Minnesota Lawyer.
Mr. Goldenberg also noted that, with a staff of people all working remotely, VLP realizes the importance of firm culture. The firm uses biannual meetings and biweekly video conferences. VLP built the technology needed to make the firm cyber-savvy and safe so that lawyers can practice virtually anywhere they have an internet connection.
Mr. Goldenberg and Ms. Krasnow agree that their firm model fully meets clients’ needs and also provides a sustainable lifestyle for lawyers. Mr. Goldenberg noted that this way, lawyers aren’t chained to their offices and the firm can encourage lawyers to balance work and leisure. Ms. Krasnow agreed, “It would take a lot to [get me to] go back to a traditional environment. I have breakfast and dinner with my son.”
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