VLP Partner Michael Whitener Quoted in Hacksurfer.com Article “After Snowden, Will Tech Companies Trust Government?”
Posted on Mar 6, 2015 in News by Michael L. Whitener
VLP Partner Michael Whitener was quoted in the Hacksurfer.com article “After Snowden, Will Tech Companies Trust Government?” Michael commented on the cultural differences between the US Government and technology community.
“From the IT world’s perspective, which tends to be libertarian, the government doesn’t understand IT and therefore its attempts to regulate threaten to kill the golden goose. From the government’s perspective, Silicon Valley has little respect for government institutions, and its meritocratic focus tends to ignore the need for everyone to contribute to the common good. The tension between the two worlds was brought into sharp focus by the Snowden affair: Silicon Valley treated Edward Snowden like a hero, while the U.S. government regard him as a traitor.”
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