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VLP Law Group Partner Char Pagar Authors Reuters Article “Deceptive Advertising and Social Media Rules Apply to New Media”

Posted on May 20, 2015 in News by

Advertising, Marketing and Promotions’ VLP Partner, Char Pagar authored the article “Deceptive Advertising and Social Media Rules Apply to New Media” for Reuters The article discusses how social media can help companies attract and connect with their customers while complying with the legal rules for advertising.

“Social media presents an attractive opportunity for almost every business that is trying to engage existing customers. These media platforms can be easy to use, timely, and cost-effective. But, companies using communicate should keep in mind that the traditional legal rules surrounding false or deceptive advertising apply. The media might be new, but the old rules still apply.

For example, the Federal Trade Commission’s endorsement guidelines require an endorser to disclose they have a “material connection” to the advertiser. According to the FTC, a disclosure has to be made has a financial interest in an advertiser that consumers would not expect. In the past year, the FTC has several enforcement actions demonstrating that it intends to apply this disclosure rule to social media…”

For full article, click here.